1443. Moreover, I have seen very many spirits from the inhabitants of Mercury, who constitute only the internal sense, as if in one group, and they extended themselves, as it were, into long rows. But because many of them were unwilling to extend themselves in this direction, that is, towards this earth, they therefore turned themselves back like a great army, and then revolving themselves into gyres towards the right, they approached the planet Venus. When they arrived there they said they were unwilling to remain, because they know that they were very wicked. But being instructed, it was granted me to know that the spirits of Mercury called them very wicked because they said that they were nothing, that they were beasts, to which those from the planet Mercury were averse. And so they betook themselves to the other side of the planet Venus, saying that here they are good; thence as from a terminus they curved round to the right and left, and, as it were, encompassed that whole planet, that is, the spirits of that planet.