Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 152

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152. * CONCERNING THE GENERAL SPHERE OF SPIRITS It is indeed difficult to understand what the general sphere of spirits is and the activity of spirits on human minds, unless there be given the knowledge of how they are most distinctly divided into genera and species, and that their activity, which forms the sphere, responds to each thought and imagination of man, and acts in this way. The general sphere of spirits is comparatively like the air or grosser atmosphere, which is that of hearing, to the ether or purer atmosphere, which is that of sight; or as dense clouds about the earth, respectively to the clear and serene region above. (1) The sphere of spirits is now so perverse that when anything whatever is let down from the more interior heaven into that sphere, which constitutes the third heaven, it is so perverted that nothing is known, but each and all things inflow into human minds in an entirely contrary sense. (2) Such is that sphere at this day, and it has so increased and is increasing until the last day when it will be dissipated. But yet in the most ancient times it was not so. This also is the reason why there can no longer be revelations at this day as in days of old, except in an extraordinary manner, and why there is not such communication with the heavens as formerly. (3) For several hours it was shown me how the general sphere operates into human minds, and indeed that when it was permitted I could by no means resist spirits taking away my thoughts, and overpowering me. Such is the power of that sphere at this day when the opportunity of acting is given to spirits. (4) The whole sphere is utterly opposed to those things which the angels intend; and the power of the angels, who all belong to God Messiah, is increased so that they are able to overcome it. (5) It would be astonishing were I to relate what abominable objects they represent when they are permitted to act by phantasies, which I would rather pass over because it would be horrible to tell; they are nothing else than abominable. (6) Angels of the third degree can also be in the same sphere, but because they are ruled by the heaven of angels they can in no wise be injured. (7) It was worthy of my observation that sometimes I heard a spirit speaking with me, and in a moment he was changed. It is now given me to know that he was snatched away by the general sphere, that is, compelled to speak according to the activity of that sphere. Still more things were observed which have escaped my memory, for that sphere takes away whatever is true and good which is especially displeasing to them. But God Messiah deeming it worthy, this general sphere will be treated more fully elsewhere, in general and in its particulars. 1747. Sept. 14, o.s. * For nos. 149-151, see after n. 205. For n. 152, see after n. 199. See also Special Preface, p. ix.

[152a.] The general sphere can be compared to the ethereal atmosphere in that it reflects the single objects, as of a meadow or field, in their details, together with their forms and figures, to the eye, and even to a thousand or ten thousand eyes at the same time. So [this sphere reflects things] distinctly to the single thoughts, reasonings, and phantasies of man, for this sphere is within nature.

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