1745. How the true state of the case is [in these instances] was also shown me. There is a certain one among the worst of their crew who adheres to a man from behind under the occiput, and through him as a medium that crew acts, drawing back the very nature of the man from things good and pious, making them a source of annoyance to him, and at the same time infusing blasphemies. Such an one was perceived by me by a most manifest sensation, and I spoke with him, saying that he was held there by that crew, in order that through him, as a common subject, they might perpetrate things like those above described. I was retracted not only sensibly by the neck, but withheld from the thought and understanding of what I was writing, and even from the affection thereof, and it was insinuated that I should desist besides, among other things. In order that I might perceive how the case is, it was represented to me in the person of a certain spirit, to whom such an one applied himself like a dark cloud, throwing himself upon his back, and adhering thereto under the occiput, causing a confession to be made of most grievous molestation.