Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2539

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2539. CONCERNING INTERIOR SPIRITS. I spoke with angels concerning the life of the Lord's Word, to wit, that in the supreme sense of the Lord's Word is the Lord Himself; in the universal sense below the Lord [is] the universal heaven of angels and good spirits; in a sense still lower [is] the Church of the Lord throughout the universal world, from the first creation to the last times, taken in a most universal manner; in a sense less universal [it treats] of the Church which is instructed, with all its various doctrines; in a sense still less universal concerning the inmost Church in the world; in a sense still inferior, in particular concerning each [singulari] man; in the most singular sense, concerning every article of faith; in an abstract sense, concerning celestials, spirituals, rationals, wisdom, intelligence, and so forth. - 1748, July 5. - According to the subject such is the predicate.

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