Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2554

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2554. Afterwards it was given me to speak somewhat about the apparent influx of my thoughts into heaven, that there is no influx from man into heaven, for that which is in an inferior degree and of such grossness can by no means penetrate an interior degree, therefore into prior things, although it appears so; but that the cause of such appearance is, that the Lord causes that there may be influx from heaven into [my] thoughts, and that it is only an appearance that there is an influx from my thoughts into heaven. But because the cause [reason] cannot be displayed save by spiritual ideas, it was therefore shown them in a few [words] how it is in causes; but this was the fact, and the truth that the Lord inflows into human thoughts and thus is present in inferior as in superior things; and when it pleases Him [can inflow] through heaven into thoughts; and that in either case it can appear as if the thoughts of man inflowed. That it is wholly contrary to order and all reason that the inferior can inflow into the superior, or the exterior into the interior, or, as the philosophers say, the posterior into the prior, or the posterior into the purer. - 1748, July 7.

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