Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2563

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2563. THAT TO HIM WHO HAS FAITH IN THE LORD THE LORD IS PRESENT AND LOOKS OUT [CONSULTS] FOR HIM IN EACH AND ALL THINGS. Especially have I seen in spiritual idea, and anyone can perceive it, that the Lord consults in each and all things for him who has faith in the Lord and the insight of faith, almost to such an extent that he has no care whatever, but unconsciously [nescius] obtains everything that is necessary and everything that is useful to [for] necessary things. All things then succeed with him, and he is led to heavenly felicity: in so far as the man trusts in himself so much the more remote is he from the Lord; thus through reliance in his own prudence the man removes himself from the Lord, because so far [is he] from faith. - 1748, July 8.

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