2609. THAT ANGELS CAN BY NO MEANS HAVE AN IDEA OF CORPOREAL THINGS, THE WORDS OF LANGUAGES, THE NAMES OF LANDS, OF CITIES, AND MEN, BUT OF THE THINGS WHICH THEY SIGNIFY. I have perceived plainly in spiritual idea that angels can never have an idea of such things; for the ideas [ideal, I think] of corporeals, of men, names, [and] words are so material and enclosed [conclusoe] that they can never enter into heaven. There are many other things beside which confirm [this], [to mention] only [this], it was plainly seen by spiritual idea, and that it is contrary to every rational [principle] that such [a principle] as is merely material, like the idea also the sense of the letter of the word can enter into spirituals, still less into celestials. Sooner [might] a camel [pass] through the eye of a needle, and the universal terraqueous globe through an invisible little orifice. This was said to certain who had boasted that they have been great in the world [in terris], supposing it is understood in the sense of the letter - and they could not answer anything. - 1748, July 15.