Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 2609

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2609. Angels cannot have any idea at all of bodily things, words of language, names of countries, cities, and men, but of the realities they symbolize

By a spiritual mental image I clearly realized that angels can never have an idea of such things, for ideas of bodily things, of men, of names, of words, are so material and confined that they can never enter into heaven. Besides many more confirmatory points I will mention only this, which I saw clearly by that spiritual mental image: it is against everything rational that something merely material, such as also an idea of the meaning of the letter of the Word, can enter into spiritual regions, let alone heavenly ones. A camel may sooner pass through the eye of a needle [Matt. 19:24, Mark 10:25, Luke 18:25], and the whole terraqueous globe through a tiny hole that is not visible. This was said to some who had boasted that they had been great on earth, supposing it was they who were meant in the sense of the letter, nor could they say anything in reply. 1748, 15 July.

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