2611. CONCERNING THE INTERIOR DELIGHTS OF CERTAIN SPIRITS WHO ARE CONTENTED WITH A FEW THINGS, AND CONCERNING THE LUXATED SINEW [nervo] OF JACOB'S THIGH. ((When I was sleeping quietly at night I seemed to be where there were only three or four trees planted in a kind of tun [tonna], one of which was tall, another of less height, and two or three were small. I saw no one, but only the trees planted in the tun; and afterwards I was in a quiet of mind and in so delightful a quiet that I cannot describe it, and indeed [it was] on account of another smaller [minorem] tree which I did not seem able to reach, and indeed on account of the delights; for it was, as it were, guarded as often as I saw it. The delight penetrated even to the marrows; and this [occurred] several times, twice I think. The other tree was so guarded that I could only behold where it was planted: the delight, which can never be described, penetrated my mind [mentem]: it is now evident to me that the other tree signified conjugial love, since the tall [magna] tree represented [esset] the husband, and the lesser one the wife, and the small ones the children.