2611. On the inward delights of certain spirits who are content with few things, and on the dislocated nerve of Jacob's thigh [Gen. 32:25]
At night while I was sleeping quietly, I seemed to be where there were only three or four trees planted in a kind of tub, one of which was tall, the second smaller, and two or three little ones. I saw no one, only those trees planted in the tub. And afterwards I was at rest in my soul, and in such a pleasant restfulness that I am unable to describe it. This was in fact on account of the second, smaller tree, which I did not seem able to reach, and indeed, because of the pleasantness; for it was as if it were guarded. Every time I looked at it, a pleasantness penetrated even to my marrows. This happened several times, twice I think. The second tree was guarded in such a way that if I only looked toward where it was planted, a pleasantness I cannot possibly describe penetrated my mind. Now it is clear to me that the second tree symbolized marriage love, while the large tree was that of the husband, and the smaller was that of his wife, and the little ones were the children.