Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2614

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2614. Immediately on my waking there was seen by me a great dog with frightful jaws [ricta], concerning which I inquired what it signified. It was afterwards told me that such a dog appears, or by such a dog is represented, when anyone is borne away to a contrary delight [amoenitatem]. [A man] enjoyed that heavenly delight, inasmuch as [he has] conjugial love with interior heavenly joy when he is contented with his few [things], lives in his little house with the wife whom he loves most tenderly, and with his children, with a contented mind [trusting] in the Lord; [but] when he passed from the delight of that celestial love to the opposite, wherein those who are in the opposite feel as it were a heavenly pleasantness when yet it is infernal, then such a dog is presented, by which is represented that he keeps guard lest the opposite pleasantnesses communicate, wherefore it may also be apparent what is represented by Cerberus in the fables.))

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