2617. Such infernal pleasantnesses prevailed in the children [posterity] [posteria] of Jacob. They did not perceive a greater pleasantness than in tormenting the Gentiles, as is also read concerning David, that he thus tormented the sons of Ammon, 2 Sam. 12:31, where such things are understood and similar triturations are signified; but they were infernal [and] never commanded, nor ever permitted to anyone save to those whose sinew [nervus] was luxated, that is, whose lower part of the thigh is separated from its upper part, so that there is a contrary pleasantness in the lower part to what is in the upper. Wherefore by the luxated sinew of Jacob such a separation or change into the opposite is understood. Hence may be manifest what is understood by heel [calcaneum] in Genesis, which is hurt by the serpent; as also that Jacob held the heel of Esau, and that his name signifies the same: thus specifically is understood by the serpent which hurts the heel of the woman's seed. - 1748, July 16.