2671. (THAT ALL ARE PREDESTINED TO LIFE). Discourse was held [fuit] concerning predestination, that many are of the opinion, that they are predestined also to infernal [things]; but it was replied from heaven, that never is anyone predestined to hell, but that all are predestined from eternity to eternal life. - 1748, July 23).
(CONCERNING PERSUASION OF TRUTHS). ((I spoke with spirits, who did not wish to hear, that they are as it were nothing as to life and power; they said that they knew it, but are not willing to hear it; it was granted me to tell [them] that it is not enough to know [it], for this is also given amongst [with] the [evil.])
(CONCERNING PERSUASION). (((((See [what was] said above, that for [ad] truths, is required knowledge [scientia], understanding, then persuasion, finally interior persuasion; for to know this is also given amongst [with] the evil, but they resist.)))))