Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2672

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2672. CONCERNING LIFE. I have been discoursing with spirits, concerning life, because it is said that they have nothing of life from themselves, but only seem to themselves to have it; and that it is sufficient, for they then think so. Spirits were thus conceiving that yet they are alive. Wherefore it was granted to tell them life is in wisdom for not to be wise cannot be said to have [called having] life, and that truths, and the truths of faith are what constitute life. Since it is so, as cannot be denied, hence it may be conceived [cogitari] what life can be in insanity, or the opposites to wisdom, therefore in those things which do not belong to the truth of faith: and because [these are] contrary, it follows that [there is in them] no life. But still they [so] conceived, since men are insane, as is known, and that yet they are alive, yea, supposed themselves to be alive before [above] others, yea have much pleasantness in that life, which they regard as much more excellent than the pleasantness of life in the truths of faith; therefore it was granted me to tell them, and to represent to them by spiritual idea, that they have such a life, as a dim [obscuro] fire, for instance, a charcoal [fire] shining in the dark.

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