Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2673

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2673. Which fire, or the obscure [light] [lumen] hence appearing, appeared in spiritual idea [as something] sad. Such a life is in them; and [those] who are accustomed to such a life not only suppose, that no other light of life is given than such [a one], preferring it to light itself as also the pleasantness hence, [but also] prefer it to heavenly felicity, because they do not perceive otherwise, because they are in such [light], just as also glowworms [tineoe] in their darkness [caligine] suppose there is the highest light and pleasantness. It was also granted to represent, of what nature their life would be, by abstraction of pleasantness from such a life. This was done in spiritual idea. Then remains before them such a thing as is hideous [tetrum] [and] most deformed, according to the quality of that life, and such they become in the other life, when such pleasantness of life is taken from them, thus they are an effigy of death; so deformed, that the deformity cannot be described to anyone.

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