2690. A VISION CONCERNING THE NUMBERS [de numero] OF CERTAIN YEARS, AND WHAT THENCE SUCCEEDED. While I was in bed with closed eyes, there was seen clearly as in light and more [so] before the eyes, and indeed at a distance from the right eye, a little upwards, at first, the number of the years 1-48: [when this] number disappeared, there were seen by me, at a greater distance the numbers 1-53/1-94 the numbers between 1 and 48, as also between 1 and 53 and 1 and 94 were not observed; 17 is substituted in place [thereof]; once 15 [was seen], so that I did not know, whether the numbers were 1548, 1553, 1594, or whether they were 1648, 1653, 1694, or whether 1748, 1753, 1794. After these numbers were clearly seen by me in a table [in tabulo], a man was seen by me, an unsightly [man], who immediately disappeared, and,