2699. CONCERNING THE SPHERE OF SUPEREMINENCE, AND AUTHORITY OVER OTHERS. ((((There are given [some] who in their mind [mente] suppose themselves supereminent to others, either from knowledge, or public authority, or something else, and do not indeed despise others in comparison with themselves, but still regard them of little account [pauci], as for instance those whom they instruct or over whom they rule: such can also be humble, and perform many offices for others, but still this sphere of their mind [animi] and thoughts prevails, which still, though they are unwilling [involuntarily], shines forth from each of their gestures, faces and speech they being ignorant thereof. Such also can be humble before the Lord, and feel at ease [well] [bene] in their heart: that it is a sort of pride or haughtiness, distinct from the pride or haughtiness commonly known. Such have been with me [Solomon], and when he was present, all the spirits were compelled to go away to a long distance off.