Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2700

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2700. Lest they should be covered up with such a cloudy [nebulosa] sphere as was previously described: but so long as these [proud ones] were above my head, near [me] with [their] feet standing on my head, spirits as they several times said, were very greatly distressed: they could not endure anything which [such proud ones spoke]: the state of their freedom [licentioe] into a state of a kind of servitude, which they were not at all able to endure. Thus spheres in the spiritual world are circumstanced according to their genius and mind, and thus are others respectively related to them: thus with infinite variety. It is similar amongst men, for they who wish to be free, cannot endure the society of those who are of such a nature, but take themselves away, for they are distressed in their society. - 1748, July 28.

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