Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2701

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2701. CONCERNING PHILOSOPHIC AND NATURAL TRUTHS, TO WHOM THEY AVAIL IN CONFIRMING SPIRITUAL THINGS. In a dream these was seen by me, a field, which was of thick [crasso] and beautiful grass, but [inserviente] for [as] food to [for] beast, for instance, oxen and horses, and, at the same time in the same field there was seen a ripe [matura] harvest, very dense [heavy], which was together with that dense grass, and this was beyond a river [fluvium], and I perceived that the river was called Euphrates: it seemed (as it were in Russia): and when I was in the vision of the dream in this field thus sown beyond the Euphrates, it came into my thought that it would be useful if all the fields in our land also were sown with a similar grass along with a harvest [crop] of wheat or barley: but it was replied to me in the dream, that if [this were done] in our land (on this side [intia] the Euphrates) that the land would be destroyed, but not so in that land across the Euphrates. More things still [yet] were seen by me, in the dream, which I do not remember. When I awoke, I thought as to what these things signified.

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