2740. CONCERNING SORCERIES OR TRULLDOM IN THE OTHER. CONCERNING THEIR SPHERE WHO ARE WORLDLY, IN THE OTHER LIFE, AND DESIRE TO COMMAND OTHERS. ((((They who in the life of the body are of such a nature that by means of interior craftiness they allure to themselves companions and friends, and insinuate themselves by means of externals, have in the other life a sphere sufficiently powerful to effect the like; and because there are such numbers [tam multi] who live for the world, inclination [genio] and cupidities, they are also easily allured into the society of such, and sometimes involuntarily, or when they are unwilling: for of such a nature is the sphere of these, as was shown me today by living experience. Which happened from permission that it might be known, and that [they] might know of what quality [these enticing spirits] were. - 1748, August 5.