Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2766

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2766. THAT BRUTE ANIMALS LIVE IN THE ORDER OF NATVRE, AND THAT AFTER DEATH THEIR SOULS CAN BY NO MEANS LIVE. I spoke with spirits concerning brute animals, that they live in the order of their nature, otherwise than man, who lives contrary to order: That animals live according to order was hence confirmed in the presence of spirits, with whom I spoke concerning these [things], only from [by] the young ones of hens and the like, that the little chickens know their mother, follow her, suffer themselves to be fed by her, take shelter [intrant] under her wings, there delight to live in safety, and if [there were] many mothers with little chickens, yea in one place, still the little chickens are not confused, but know their own mother: so that the sphere of a sort of love conjoins them with their mother: This with innumerable other [facts] confirms, that they live from the first [earliest] nativity in the order of their nature, which order (directs) [dictat] them.

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