Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2995

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2995. THAT THEY WHO DESIRE GOOD CARE NOT AT ALL FOR SCIENTIFICS, AND, AS IT WERE, DISAPPROVE OF THEM. I perceived from those with me who were Mohammedans, that when they perceived curious [facts], and many things which might serve to confirm those things which belong to faith in the Lord, that at first they did not care for them, then that they, as it were, spit them out with some aversion, thinking that if they accept good, it is sufficient, and that they can then know from good, whatever confirms, and when useful, innumerable things. What use can [these] serve them, who wish to be confirmed otherwise. - 1748, August 30; for it is enough that the heavenly idea, when in good, is in the light of all things which happen.

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