Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 3008

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3008. At length, they wished to cast the blame of [their] hatred on the Lord, that He had so ruled them that they could not have been different; concerning which matter they spoke much, with some small uproar [tumultu], because there were many who conspired. They were told that all actual evil comes from them, and all good from the Lord; but they still pertinaciously insisted that they had been of such a nature, not from themselves, but from the Lord. It was given to say with spiritual idea, that concerning these things, a thousand volumes can be written, and all, as it were, confirming. But still the truth is inscribed in ultimates, that all actual evil [proceeds] from them, and all good from the Lord. It was also shown that so far as they have remission, so far they have evil and hatred. This [is the case] when they are spirits; in the life of the body [it is] not so. The conclusion was, that it is provided by the Lord, that thus they should do evil in act [actualiter], and that it is provided that they should not precipitate themselves into the worst death. - 1748, August 31.

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