3009. THE REASON THAT THE PHANTASIES OF MEN ARE, IN THE OTHER LIFE, TURNED INTO SPECIES OF ANIMALS, AND THE LIKE. There was insinuated into me the reason why many phantasies, in the life of the body, are turned into forms of animals, and of many similar things, [so] that when they are inspected from the heavens, or there is influx, then [these phantasies] are turned into such animals and such forms, not different from what occurs in the world of spirits, [and] like as appears, from prophetics, and in sleep. (They are turned into such forms) as are the ultimates of order; such as also [exist] in the earth, and are the ultimates of representations. For instance [sicut], when a sorceress being inspected, was turned into a ball of serpents [glomum serpentinum]; for correspondences are such that it cannot be otherwise, than what when borne through order from a corporeal life, which remains, and so still upwards that in the beginning their phantasies so appear, otherwise, phantasies cannot be taken from them, and they reformed. - 1748, August 31.