3010. CONCERNING SPIRITS WHO WISH THAT THEY MAY BE BELIEVED TO BE THE LORD. There was a spirit with me who stood on my head about the space of an hour, nor could anything else be perceived in the beginning, than that he was good; he spoke little, but [that was] from [his] thought, and not at all evil. At length when he spoke, he occasionally introduced into my perception that he was the Lord, which I could perceive from a few things in the beginning, because he stood upon my head; also, because this is common with those who are of the Lord, whereby is also insinuated perception of the Lord's presence, because the Lord [speaks] through them. But this spirit assumed this as an artifice [by art]; and, indeed, so thus he induced in himself the persuasion, so that he could suppose himself to be the Lord; but inasmuch as such have been with me previously, and within themselves have a dissimilar [contrary] perception; which, however, was not then granted me to discern, [and] still it was given to know that [this one] was evil, therefore I spoke with him, as with an evil spirit, whereat he was angry and said,