Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 3010

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3010. About spirits who want to believe they are the Lord

There was a spirit with me who was sitting on my head for about the space of an hour, and at first nothing else could be discerned than that he was good. He spoke few words, but from his thought neither was there anything evil. Finally when he spoke, he now and then brought into my mind that he was the Lord, which I could sense in the beginning from a few things, because he had stood on my head, also because this is common with those who are the Lord's, by whom a sense of the Lord's presence is also imparted, because the Lord [does this] through them. But this spirit had taken this up as a trick, and in fact to the point of bringing himself to that conviction, so that he was able to think he was the Lord. But because such spirits had been with me before [2990], and there had been a contrary perception of them, which I was not given to discern on this occasion, nevertheless I was inspired to realize that he was evil. So I spoke with him as with an evil spirit, at which he said angrily that he had been able before to allure many good

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