3031. RELATIONSHIPS [affinitates] IN THE OTHER LIFE. ((((((The communication of dispositions, and of each and everything in the disposition, in the other life, is wonderful, [and] is recognized immediately. This communication and recognition [acknowledgment] cannot be described especially [does this take place] in the heavens. The communication and recognition, and hence association, are related like affinities [relationships] in the world, to wit, that they are recognized as parents, as children, as brothers, as kin [consanguinei] and relations according to differences. The love is such as should be [might be] in life, according to all differences towards the nearest and the more remote, in order. The consanguinities and relationships belong to love, and its differences, which are indefinite, and the communications [are] so exquisite that they cannot be described; further, no respect at all is had to those who have been parents, children, kin and relations on earth, nor to any person, such as he has been on earth, therefore not to dignities, riches, or the like, which are worldly and terrestrial. These things were confirmed by those who are from the angels. - 1748, September 2.))))))