Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 3031

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3031. Relationships in the other life

The communication of character and of all and the least characteristics, is amazing in the other life. The character is recognized at once. This communication and recognition, especially as it exists in the heavens, cannot be described. The communication and recognition, and the consequent association, are just like in relationships on earth, namely, that they are recognized as parents, as children, as brothers, as relations by blood or marriage, with all the distinctions. There is the kind of love that would be in earthly life, with all the distinctions, toward the closest and those more removed in the line. Relations by blood and marriage [there] pertain to love and its distinctions, which are countless, and the communications are exquisite beyond description. There is no regard whatever for those who had been parents, children, related by blood or marriage on earth, nor for high positions, riches and the like, which are worldly and earthly. These words were confirmed by angels. 1748, 2 Sept.

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