Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 3037

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3037. EVIL SPIRITS ARE THE CAUSE OF EVIL HAPPENING TO THEMSELVES. I spoke with spirits concerning this: that they cause evil to themselves, when they purpose [to do it] to another; therefore that there is thus [the evil] of retaliation, or that the like [evil] responds to them; for they plotted to do evil to someone, and it was reflected back, [retorquebatur] on them; they said, on account of the appearance, that the evil came from me and others, though it came from them, or self. They do not wish to be persuaded. Wherefore speech was held concerning that, and it was shown that if anyone strikes his head against the wall, that it is not the wall's fault, but his own; and it was then illustrated by many things, that there is such a balancing of these things, and of the single things in the body, so that to every action responds a reaction; it is so in the least membranes, fibers, [and] the least particle of the animal spirit; and if there were not such a reaction, nothing at all could subsist, but would wither and grow infirm, wherefore there is perpetual equilibrium. It is similar in everything else.

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