3167. THAT RESPECT OF PERSONS IS ALSO OBSERVED IN THE OTHER LIFE WHEN THEY ARE GOOD. ((((((It was many times observed, that persons [who] in the world [were] endowed with the greatest dignity, for instance, kings, who are born kings, and have derived from infancy [their] endowment with dignity and superiority to others, that these cannot conceal or throw off that sphere, until after many years, perhaps 100 [or] 1000. But still the sphere of that dignity is so conjoined with the sphere of probity and goodness, as not to be troublesome to anyone. To those who are born so, and are upright and good, there is also shown a certain kind of corresponding subordination by moral spirits: for it [belongs] to a good spirit to injure no one, but to do a favor to everyone. Wherefore, a certain one, who did not have such a corresponding sphere, being discovered to be of another character, it was given to tell him, that there was something lacking to him in external bonds: which, as it was lacking, he easily rushed into his own nature. - 1748, September 15.))))))