Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 3283

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3283. It was said concerning these that still they are in a good way, and thus are easily led to heaven, so as to become angels, which they ever love to become, as I now perceive. That they are in a good way, is hence confirmed in general that they love uses, and that they possess a life of uses, not uses of cupidities. That, although they worship the bearded [man] on account of its suiting their life, they still become angels, because [they do it] in simplicity and ignorance. Just as it is the case with those who worship some saint in this world: when he does this from simplicity and ignorance, especially boys and girls, they are easily brought in the other life to worship the Lord. It is different with adults, who know it to be false, and being imbued with phantasies confirm the simple-minded for the sake of [on account of] their pride and their pleasures, who are represented [as] in a bad way, and immersed in worldly, corporeal and terrestrial things.

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