3701. The magical arts by which they enticed these [societies] were numerous; as, first, that they would persuade them by representation that the Lord spoke with them, and promised that, after they had endured certain punishments he would receive them to heaven. They were able moreover, when present with me, to speak as if they were in another place, where the good were, so that their voice was heard from a society of the good, just as if they were there. In like manner they could be at the same time present with others, and persuade them according to their [temper and] genius and so likewise with still more at the same time, thus inducing the belief that they had a kind of ubiquity, which was magically effected by following the ideas infused into them, whereby they could discover those who flowed in, which is easily done in the other life; for when one of this class of spirits acts as a subject of so many societies, she can easily find any particular one. She can thus inspire anyone with affection according to their genius [i. e. the genius of the societies], by simply applying herself to the ideas which flowed in. Yet the particular manner in which she insinuated herself I did not perceive, but she contracted the ability from her nature, in as much as she had thus also insinuated herself while in the world. In like manner they simulate innocence by representing an infant which they take [in their arms] and kiss; which she also represented. One thing in particular was shown me; namely, in what manner she affected persuasion, which was by representing in full view before the eyes of the societies a white flame encircling the head. This they supposed to be a sign of the celestial or angelic intellectual. That she thus represented it in the presence of multitudes is now perceived, as also that as soon as it is beheld the persuasion is induced that they are angels, and thus perhaps that they are with them. Beside these there are various familiar arts of a magical kind, among which is this, that they suddenly vanish from the sight of others, and render themselves invisible.