3894. CONCERNING SPHERES. It was observed, that as when the dung of horses was seen, certain spirits could not endure the sphere thence arising, [from its corresponding to] that of reasonings with the evil, and perhaps as being confirmatory of scientifics with good; so also in other things, as when I ate butter upon bread, then certain spirits, or a society of spirits, were so indignant that they threatened evil to my tongue, saying that they could not endure it, for the reason that butter signifies the celestial, whence arises the sphere of the good which the evil cannot bear; wherefore I ought [they said] for a long time to abstain from butter; likewise that one vessel ["thee"] was more agreeable than another, for the sole reason that they thence contracted a sphere which was less spiritual. So also in regard to many other things which I ate and drank, as milk and the like; from which it appeared that the seen correspondence of the spiritual or celestial sphere should be preserved, which [however] could not be endured. Many similar things occurred, upon which it is not given to reflect. - 1748, November 6.