Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 3966

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3966. CONCERNING [CERTAIN] ABOMINATIONS. Certain spirits spoke above the head like those who can only speak in the manner of persons that have lost the power of articulate speech by rheumatism, and who then speak as it were without distinct sound [Heesa, hoarsely]. These were most malignant, exciting whatever was delightful, and closely following up in their thoughts all and singular things [of this nature], so that they might thence know how to plot most successfully to my destruction. It was observed that in every particular that their purpose was to note each single thing [pertaining to me], with the design of injuring, and totally destroying me. It was said to them that thus acting they could not become anything else than - not vile excretions - but dead corpses. They are such as in the world are accustomed to draw out the interior thoughts of others, and induce them by skilful insinuations, to speak of their delights, and thus to lure from them more than they would otherwise reveal. They then incessantly contrive how they may seize upon such disclosures and turn them to the injury of the party concerned, one in this thoughts, they still assume a flattering and wheedling air; which mode and another in that, and while thus inveigling one's was also perceived.

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