3972. CONCERNING THE INFLUX OF THE GRAND MAN. It is a general rule that nothing can exist or subsist from itself, but only from something else, that is, by or through something else; so also that nothing can be held in form except from something else, or by something else; and this appears from all and singular things in nature. The human body cannot be retained in its form except by the pressure of the atmosphere on every side, since it is well known that on the recession of the atmospheric pressure the form perishes. And as these are truths, it manifestly follows, that nothing can be held in its form in man, in his body, in his brain, in his organs of sense, both exterior and interior, unless it exist and subsist, and be retained in forms from other things, and indeed from something general and universal, thus from the Grand Man; in like manner, neither the Grand Man himself except from the Divine, that is, from the Lord alone. - 1748, November 13. This was perceived.