484. But still, although a spirit is such that he may be conformable with other spirits, as with the evil, of the mercy of God Messiah, they are taken away from their company, and inserted amongst others, so that thus they may come into the company of the blessed. God Messiah also unites them, so that they can be together: thus from the mercy of God Messiah, they are transferred from certain consociations to others and such as are the consociations, such is their life. This ought to be most manifest to me, for I was led continually from one consociation to another, and acquired the life of the consociation; but with a difference [in my case], because I am gifted with a twofold thought, one more interior and the other interior, so that when I was in the company of evil spirits, I could at the same time be in the company of the good, and could thus perceive the quality of the spirits who desired to lead me, and this most frequently, with awareness. Without such awareness, namely, that I am in the company of evil spirits, and that the spirits are they who thus think and affect me, I could not have known otherwise than that it was I who am such, and who meditated such things. 1748, Jan. 17.