Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 5038

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5038. This was shown by means of a representative as is customary in the other life. There appeared a certain one above, with a knife and scissors (knif och sax). The knife represents and signifies the good of civil life, and the scissors (sax) the truth of civil life. Then the evil who were in that great city, when they beheld these things, rejoiced, and were delighted with them, and also called it ingenious, clever and prudent; and by this was signified, that those who adulterate goods and truths are applauded for such things, and are loved and promoted to honors and profit. It was observed that the knife and scissors had such efficacy as to be able to penetrate to man's inmosts; which was a proof, that they can completely adulterate goods and also truths, even to such a degree that it is impossible to resist. But those who are of the better sort did not rejoice, or care about the matter; some, because they were not skilled in adulterating goods and truths; others knew how but were unwilling to practice it: thus, for every variety of reason.

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