5066. Those who infest the good, in the other life, are, chiefly, those who have placed the whole of religion and salvation in faith alone, and who have confirmed [themselves] in this, and also have not lived according to the precepts of the Lord, but in cunning, enmity, hatreds, revenges and the like; thus, who have not lived the life of faith, - of these there is a vast number. Such also believe, that all the evils which they do, are remitted; which they believed, in the world, [is effected] by their attending church and the Holy Supper. These, in the other life, live ill, according to their evil cupidities; and, yet, by avowel of faith, they let themselves into societies. Such, likewise, occupy rocks and mountains and continually infest those who are below; and they make one with the diabolic crew. Such are also cast down from their rocks and mountains, and scattered round about.