5070. There are five kinds of spirits who go up upon the rocks and upon the mountains, and yet are cast down therefrom: (1) There is a kind who believe that faith alone saves, and care nothing for the life of faith, or a life according to the precepts of the Lord. These are such as act as one with the infernal spirits, and persecute the good; and, indeed, they persecute, in various ways, all those who profess charity as well as faith - which was shown by their desiring to dissolve marriages and to commit whoredom. To dissolve marriages, and also to commit whoredom, is their delight. The reason is, because marriages refer to the marriages of good and truth; and where this [faith alone] is, it falls into [the outward representative of] the separation of wife from husband, as was shown for a long time, and in many ways. Similar, also, is the reason that they commit whoredom; for they burn with the lust of whoredom like goats, because whoredom accords with those who are of such a character. (2) There are those who are in charity as regards the confession of the mouth, but not as regards reception in the heart; for they do not live the life of charity. These are the persecutors of faith; and they, also, dissolve marriages and commit whoredom. (3) There are those who are in external holiness and not internal. The evil, also, are wont to be in external holiness; but, inasmuch as they have no regard to the life, therefore they have no internal holiness. (4) In general, all those who are in the sense of the letter of the Word and not in any doctrine from the Word. They know something from the Word, and apply it to whatsoever purpose they wish. They explain it in favor of all the cupidities in which they are; and so make themselves out innocent. Most of them do not care for the doctrine of the Church, which, nevertheless, is capable of being to them like a lamp for seeing the genuine sense of the Word: there are some, also, who do care [for the doctrine of the Church], as, for example, the prelates, but, yet, have no regard for the life. There are many such, at the present day, who yet pass for Christians. (5) There are those who are in a life of piety and in no life of charity who meditate piously, and thereby affect sanctity: these also study the Word, and the doctrine of the Church, but only for the sake of self. They say, also, that everyone ought to cleanse his own door; they also appear as holy in external form, but, still, they have had no life of charity. They are not willing to communicate their meditations to others, either orally, or by writings. In a word, they live for themselves and not for others. They cause anxiety to others, and an aversion for those things which are of the Church; for they despise others in comparison with themselves, and also put merit in those pieties in which they engage. They lament exceedingly when they are rejected, believing that the all of the Church consisted in a life of piety alone.