5077. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE LAST JUDGMENT. It was observed, that, sometimes, the worst spirits assemble themselves upon the rocks and upon the mountains; and I wondered why this happened so, when yet such ones ought to be hidden below, in hell. But the reason is, that, in the world, they have conformed to the holy things of the Church, frequented churches and the Holy Supper, and have heard, as often as they have attended, about heaven and eternal salvation, and, also that they should be saved by faith alone; not knowing what faith of the mouth and faith of the heart is, nor that a knowledge of doctrinals is a different thing to faith, nor what and whence persuasion is. Hence, likewise, they have caught up the opinion, that they could also come into heaven. They who are in this idea are admitted to the rocks and mountains; for they believe that heaven is there, because that is on high, and because heaven also is upon mountains and rocks. Therefore do so many of the worst ones repair thither, and dwell there, until the city becomes full of such, when visitation takes place; and, then, such a city sinks down into hell, where they actually dwell: thus [they reach] their own abodes.