Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 5103

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5103. CONCERNING THE HELL WHERE THEY WRANGLE ABOUT RELIGIOUS MATTERS. CONCERNING LUTHER. CONCERNING BABYLON. CONCERNING THE GREAT TOE OF THE RIGHT FOOT. I heard a considerable crowd around me, which numbered several thousands. By them the hell of hypocrites was excited; from which hell there arose an exhalation which infested the teeth and gums, both upper and lower, of the left side. This continued some hours; and I complained that I was affected with that pain from that disturbing crew. After some hours, there appeared before me, a certain one, like a monk, in a blackish garment, and it was said that it was Luther; and it was perceived that that crew was stirred up by him, against those who were with me, because they entirely disagreed with his doctrine concerning faith. It was then granted me to speak with him. I then stated to him those things which pertain to faith; and said that the two essentials of divine worship are faith and charity, but that, in order that man may be saved, they must make one: besides many other things, which were confirmed from heaven; and he stood listening, and assenting to everything. I supposed that he was of such a disposition that he is able to acquiesce, and not any more excite the rest of the crew against these things. But when he went away, he turned himself to that course to which his delight led him, which was to excite tumults. As soon as he went off, I perceived a similar tumult, and also the pain arising from the opening of the hell of hypocrites; for every spirit, by reason of his presence, opens a hell agreeing with his love. Then, being once more admonished, he desisted, but betook himself to a high rock; and, when he saw us beneath, then he again stirred up a similar crew there. They said from thence, that they cannot do otherwise, because he has the persuasive power, and also the authority, of his opinion; so that it is not [in] their power, [to do otherwise than as he wishes]. But he was then punished and cast down. When he came to the valley, he again stirred up similar crowds there, and also opened a hell which is quite in the middle, under the groin, where are those who believe they know everything and that nothing at all is concealed from them, and, at the same time, do not suffer others to speak, nor even to think, save only those who agree with them. (Peter Schonstrom, who was of such a character, was often there.) This was observed from a certain cold draught into the nostril, from which arose discomfort, such as there is when a wintry wind blows into the nostrils and causes a certain cold pain there; for, by that means, it takes away the respiration. For a crowd appeared there also, which said that they cannot but be there, and that they are kept there by force. He who was their subject, who opened that hell, was at the left side, higher up; and it was at length ascertained that this was caused by Luther for he is of such a character that he wishes all others to believe what he says, and [thinks] that he only knows, and that he only ought to speak. Nor does he suffer others to believe and speak differently from him, always saying that the things he said were truths themselves, and cannot be contradicted.

This page is part of the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg

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