5141. CONCERNING THE TEETH AND BONES AND THEIR CORRESPONDENCES, AND CONCERNING THE CHARACTER OF THOSE WHO [CORRESPOND TO THEM]. In the other life, those correspond to the bones, who have studied various sciences but performed no use by their means; such as those who have studied mathematics merely to invent rules, and have not paid regard to use; those who [have studied] physics and chemistry merely for the sake of experiment, and for no other purpose; and, also, those who [have studied] philosophies in order to invent rules and terms, merely for the sake of the terms, and with no other use in view; and similarly in other things. Those, also, who become bones, when they argue, scarcely dispute any otherwise than whether a thing is, or is not. It is hence plain, that the greatest part of the learned, within the Church, become bones. They are those who are sensual in the last degree; and in this state also, at the present day, is the Church. Hence its end.