Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 5144

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5144. CONCERNING FRIGID ZONES IN THE OTHER LIFE. HEAVEN. In heaven, as on earth, are different zones, as regards heat and cold, and light and shade. In a nocturnal vision, or dream, I was in places where I saw nothing but ice outside the houses; inside of them, were linen [hangings], which, indeed, were white, yet dirty and not neatly made. When I awoke, I spoke with those that were there, who said that they dwell in a place where the ice covers the water and are often in straits for food and clothing; and that they see, on the walls of their houses, such linen hangings, and that this is a good sign; also, that so long [as they see these] they are in goods. It is otherwise when they do not see those linen [hangings]; for the linen [hangings] signify their truths. They say that they are rarely infested by evil spirits, since they cannot endure their cold; and when they come, they [i.e. the residents] compel them to pass the night out of doors; for which reason, they go away and do not return.

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