5208. Others of that religion were towards the north, at some distance, on mountains and rocks looking eastward. They seduced the common people in this way: they placed a certain devil very high up on one of the rocks, and, by means of phantasy, induced upon him a beard, and shouted out, saying that he was God the Father. They said, also, that they worshipped him; and, nevertheless, those impious wretches inspired into him whatever they wished; he only gave answer in accordance with their pleasure. Such was the impiety they devised; and they who did this, aspired to govern all, by means of that devil. But this atrocious deed was brought to naught; the mountain and rock were cast into hell, with all on them who did this thing; and, afterwards, the crew who worshipped that devil, and were evil. Amongst those who did this were many Jesuits, several of whom were then put down into the valley. They worshipped a devil; and it was granted to a devil to govern them at his pleasure; and, afterwards, these, also, were cast into the hells underneath that place.