Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 5291

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5291. A [Fig. 4]* is the mountainous surrounding [no. 5283, 5285], where the rich dwell beneath, or inside, in those places; BCD is the mountain under which is the great city; CE is the shaft [no. 5282] whereby they descend; FG is the great city - G the western quarter, F the eastern quarter; and HI, the shaft leading into the cellars where they keep their riches. The chambers there are rendered dark by winding corridors, KSM at length bent alternately, or reciprocally, at NH, where they keep their most precious things. They descend into that city by the shaft, and ascend by circular steps, or in continuous spiral ways, and also by slanting steps - wide ones, because there is always a multitude going out and in. * The diagram is of a city at the foot of a mountain, with what appear to be tunnels going down from the top of the mountain and from the center of the city, leading into caverns beneath.

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