Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 5620

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5620. Celestial angels said to me, about the Hebrew tongue, that all the letters, or syllables, therein, have correspondence, and that, according to the inflections and curvatures, they have a significance in agreement with the heavenly form. It was permitted them to examine the letters from beginning to end, also certain words; and they said that there is correspondence, except in the case of certain rough letters, as [daleth, cof, ?], and several which are pronounced roughly. But they said that, so far as there is roughness in them, so far they do not correspond. They also said that, for this reason, in the earliest times, they were not rough but smooth, and that, therefore, in everyone of such [letters] there is a point in the middle; and this point signifies that it is pronounced roughly, but that, without the points in the middle, not roughly. All rough [sounds] pertain to spiritual things, and, therefore, the points in the middle of these. They further said - as, also, I have frequently perceived - that they [i.e. the celestial angels] have not the vowels i and e, but a, o and especially u; and that y is an intermediate between the celestial and the spiritual; also, that, because they are such, and only serve the purpose of sound, there are, likewise, no vowels in the Hebrew tongue as in other tongues, but they are annexed by means of marks placed above and beneath. ++* * ++ It may be worth while to mention that all the points in the text marked "++" [with one symbol on top of the other], are matters of natural fact, well-known to all students of the Hebrew language and Scriptures. -ED.

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