Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 5647

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5647. Walkings there, are either total changes or only partial. They are total when interiors and exteriors act together. At such times, when they walk, they walk with the whole being, and where they then come there they wholly are; appearing there as respects place, but actually there as respects the state of their life, which is the state of the affection which is of love, consequently of the will. Walkings are partial changes, however, when the interiors are stationary and the exterior states change.* Then, also, they appear to themselves in like manner to walk, nor do they know any difference; but, still, it is not the whole spirit, but only his intellectual: they themselves remaining in their own place, or state. Nor do they then know otherwise than that they are walking; and the majority do not distinguish [the one kind from the other]. But the evil are then in their phantasy, because in their interiors and in evil, therefore in insanity: the good, however, are then in their wisdom; but, yet, all fall back, in will, to their own state and place. A certain book was exhibited, and was instantly taken away by another [spirit] upon a mountain which happened in a moment. I inquired the reason how this is. They said that it is only by placing one's self in the state of another; likewise, that presence with the book [occurs] instantly; and that, when this happens, they simply stretch out the hand - which is a sign. * The Latin edition has "when the exteriors are stationary and the interior states change;" but this is so entirely at variance with what follows, that we have assumed it to be a printer's error, and have therefore ventured the rendering embodied in the text. -ED.

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