5851. WHY THE EARS SIGNIFY OBEDIENCE. The reason the ears signify obedience, is, because [with] the Celestial, with whom internals are open, all things which they hear about truths and goods, enter into their will and life, and hence they do them; therefore, those things which enter by the ear are, to them, obedience. With the Spiritual it is otherwise. The things which they hear enter into the memory; because internals are not open with them. Those things which enter the life vanish from the memory; they are as it were implanted and natural things, of which they do not know the source. It was afterwards perceived, that that which enters only by the eye, enters into the understanding and lays itself away in the memory; but those things which enter by hearing, enter into the understanding and at the same time into the life; - into the understanding, because through truths into the life.