5869. * THOSE WHO ARE ABOVE IMPART LIGHT TO THOSE WHO ARE UNDERNEATH, WHEN THEY AGREE. It was observed, at different times, that the evil who are below, see clearly, as in light, all the approaches to others, and in every direction; whence they know how to obstruct the passages and to obsess, and how to plot abominations. That light they have from no other source than from those who are above, or on high, and look roundabout; namely, those who are on high within the Christian globe, where there is light. These, from where they are, see all the approaches; and, when they look toward the evil, and experience delight in that which is done by the evil, then their sight is communicated to the evil, and the evil see all things roundabout as plainly as they do. Such ones are on high as are possessed of the delight of ruling over others. They are of various dispositions; and their lust shows itself, so far as they look downwards and roundabout, from on high. Those who are beneath, can see nothing around them, only in front, as occurs with men on earth then, they see only where they go. It is otherwise when such ones are above as [their] delights have communication with. * No. 5868 is missed in the Latin. -TR.