Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 5896

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5896. PHANTASIES. What phantasies are could be evident from a certain one who was in phantasies; for he seemed of himself to mount into a chariot, and the chariot to be changed into an elephant; he also seemed to himself to be seated on the elephant and the next moment to be thrown down by the elephant's trunk, and also to be trampled upon. After he rose up, they [i.e., the bystanders] spoke to him, saying, that those things were visions and not realities. He replied that he knew they were visions, but that, still, since he saw them with his eyes, and felt the pain of the trampling and of the throwing down, it cannot be otherwise than real. The spirits reasoned with him, at considerable length, that it was merely a vision; but yet he could not be convinced that it was not real, because he actually saw and felt it. It was Jacob Benzelius.

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